A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Events Calendar

July 2024
30 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 1 2 3

Upcoming Events

2024 Jul 28, 02:00PM - 04:00PM
Donna Apidone: It's Election Year - Don't Freak Out!
(General Meeting)

2024 Jul 30, 04:00PM - 07:00PM
Davis Community Meal - Feed the Hungry
(Community Service)

2024 Aug 01, 12:00AM
World Friendship Day
(Secular Holiday)

2024 Aug 09, 07:00PM - 09:00PM
Free Movie and Discussion

2024 Aug 11, 12:00AM
Ingersoll Day
(Secular Holiday)

2024 Sep 10, 07:00PM - 08:00PM
Board of Directors Meeting
(Planning Meeting)

2024 Sep 15, 12:00AM
Ask An Atheist Day
(Secular Holiday)

2024 Sep 15, 12:00AM
World Cleanup Day
(Secular Holiday)

2024 Sep 19, 12:00AM
Talk Like A Pirate Day
(Secular Holiday)

2024 Sep 22, 12:00AM
Equinox (September)
(Secular Holiday)

AOF Membership/Subscription Levels

Like us? Join us. (This is for joining online - it saves stamps and saves trees, and keeps PayPal happy.  If you prefer postal mail, click here for a printable form.)

AOF Newsletter - Monthly

[you can unsubscribe at any time]

AOF Newsletter - Monthly

[you can unsubscribe at any time]

Level and What You GetPurchasing Link

Patron-level Membership - $50

One glorious year of the AOF newsletter, delivered monthly by e-mail. All adults in your household become full voting AOF members. Grandeur and acknowledgement as an AOF patron, if you so desire. A warm, fuzzy, freethinky feeling. And we'll say you look good in that hat.

Occasionally share your name with groups similar to AOF? (Rare)
May we add your e-mail to the AOF E-Activist list? (low-volume)
Enter e-mail for newsletter delivery:

Family Membership - $30

One year e-mail delivery of the excellent AOF newsletter. All adults in your household become AOF voting members. Your name writ large in the stars.

Occasionally provide your name to groups similar to AOF? (Rare)
May we add your e-mail to the AOF Activist list? (low-volume)
Enter e-mail for newsletter delivery:

Individual Membership - $20

One year e-mail delivery of the AOF newsletter, plus an AOF voting membership all your own to hug & hold.  (The basic package. Solid, reliable, secure.)

Occasionally share your name with groups similar to AOF? (Rare)
May we add your e-mail to the AOF E-Activist list? (low-volume)
Enter e-mail for newsletter delivery:

Low Income Membership -  $10

One year electronical delivery of the AOF newsletter, plus an AOF voting membership. In other words, just like an Individual Membership, see above, but for cash-challenged freethinkers. Honor system applies.

Occasionally share your name with groups similar to AOF? (Rare)
May we add your e-mail to the AOF E-Activist list? (low-volume)
Enter e-mail for newsletter delivery:

Join the "E-Tree"
(Get General Alerts & Announcements by E-mail)

Join our Newslist (or Activist List) for occasional important announcements & activism opportunities. Also by email. Also free. And low-volume and non-intrusive, we do promise.

Google Groups
* Subscribe to AOF E-Tree *
Visit the E-tree


Or just signup for the free Newsletter
(E-mail Delivery)

Get the AOF newsletter for free by convenient monthly e-mail. That's freeee, as in Freethought. No voting membership in AOF, just event news. But isn't that enough for now? 

AOF Newsletter - Monthly

[you can unsubscribe at any time]