A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church, and promoting understanding and acceptence of atheism and freethought in our community

A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,understanding and acceptence of atheism 

and freethought in our community

AOF Events Calendar

February 2025
26 27 28 29 30 31 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 1

Upcoming Events

2025 Feb 08, 06:30PM - 09:30PM
Sacramento Darwin Day
(General Meeting)

2025 Feb 12, 12:00AM
Darwin Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Feb 14, 07:00PM - 09:00PM
Free Movie and Discussion

2025 Feb 22, 09:00AM - 11:00AM
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup
(Community Service)

2025 Feb 23, 02:00PM - 04:00PM
Anecdotes and More With Judy Saint
(General Meeting)

2025 Mar 08, 12:00AM
International Women's Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Mar 11, 07:00PM - 08:00PM
Board of Directors Meeting
(Planning Meeting)

2025 Mar 14, 12:00AM
Pi Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Mar 16, 12:00AM
Freedom of Information Day
(Secular Holiday)

2025 Mar 16, 12:00AM
Sunshine Week
(Secular Holiday)

AOF Lending Library

This is a catalog of books and other media AOF retains in a library for future use. The listing is partial. Some items may be available for loan in return for a security deposit, but accessability and resources are limited, so please send inquiries to the AOF Librarian via the Contact page; and, be patient. 

AOF extends its gratitude to Dr. Jack Massen and the estate of Dr. Eric T. Pengelley for their contributions to the AOF library. Other donors include Betty Simonsma, Cleo Kocol, Ken Nahigian and the Skeptics Society.

If you can donate material for the Library, please contact the AOF Librarian. Someone will be in touch. Due to storage limits, AOF may not accept all requests.

ISBN means the International Standard Book Number.  To search on ISBN, click here.

The Dr. Jack Massen Library

 The Supreme Court on Church and State

ISBN 0195050290
The Supreme Court on Church and State, Robert S. Alley, United States, Textbook Paperback, Oxford University Press

 Religion, State and the Burger Court

ISBN 0879752750
Religion, State and the Burger Court, Leo Pfeffer, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

ISBN 087975298X
James Madison on Religious Liberty, n/a, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Encyclopedia of Unbelief

ISBN 0879753072
Encyclopedia of Unbelief, Gordon Stein, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Why the Religious Right is Wrong

ISBN 0879758341
Why the Religious Right Is Wrong About Separation of Church and State, Rob Boston & Barry W. Lynn, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Religious Liberty and State Constitutions

ISBN 0879758392
Religious Liberty and State Constitutions, Edd Doerr & Albert J. Menendez, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 School Prayer: The Court, the Congress and the First Amendment

ISBN 0879758430
School Prayer: The Court, the Congress and the First Amendment, Robert S. Alley, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0918954290
Religion and the State: Essays in Honor of Leo Pfeffer, James E., Jr. Wood, Hardcover, Baylor University Press

ISBN 0918954312
Religion, the State, and Education, James E., Jr. Wood, Paperback, J M Dawson Inst of Baylor Univ

ISBN 0918954568
Toward Benevolent Neutrality : Church, State, and the Supreme Court, Ronald B. Flowers & Robert T. Miller, Hardcover, Texas A & M Univ Pr

Without a Prayer

ISBN 1573920975
Without a Prayer: Religious Expression in Public Schools, Robert S. Alley, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Losing Faith in Faith

ISBN 1877733075
Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist, Dan E. Barker, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

1993 Supplement to Baylor "Toward Benevolent Neutrality" (with purchase slip from Baylor), Ronald B. Flowers & Robert T. Miller, Hardcover, Texas A & M Univ Pr

 Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science

ISBN 0309063647
Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science, Staff of National Academy Press, Joyce L. Vedral, Paperback, National Academy Press

ISBN 0679402365
Blasphemy: Verbal Offense Against the Sacred, from Moses to Salman Rushdie, Leonard Levy, Hardcover, Knopf

 Transcendental Temptation

ISBN 0879753625
Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal, Paul Kurtz, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0879753986
Religious Liberty and the Secular State: The Constitutional Context, John M. Swomley, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Holy Horrors

ISBN 0879755784
Holy Horrors: An Illustrated History of Religious Murder and Madness, James A. Haught, Textbook Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Church Schools and Public Money

ISBN 0879757086
Church Schools and Public Money: The Politics of Parochiaid, Edd Doerr & Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Why We Still Need Public Schools

ISBN 0879757582
Why We Still Need Public Schools: Church/State Relations and Visions of Democracy, Art Must & Lowell Weicker, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Visions of Reality

ISBN 0879758023
Visions of Reality: What Fundamentalist Schools Teach, Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 December Wars

ISBN 0879758570
The December Wars: Religious Symbols and Ceremonies in the Public Square, Albert J. Menendez, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Holy Hatred

ISBN 0879759224
Holy Hatred: Religious Conflicts of the '90s, James A. Haught, Textbook Hardcover, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0896150143
Human Agenda: How to Be at Home in the Universe Without Magic, Roderick Gorney, Paperback, Sorrento Pr

ISBN 0913111260
Abortion Rights and Fetal 'Personhood', Edd Doerr & James W. Prescott, Paperback, Centerline Press

ISBN 0913111376
Great Quotations on Religious Freedom, Albert J Menendez, Unknown Binding, Centerline Press

ISBN 0913111406
Religion and Public Education, Albert J. Menendez & Edd Doerr, Paperback, Centerline Press

ISBN 0931779081
Confronting Church and State: Memoirs of An Activist, John M Swomley, Paperback, Humanist Press

ISBN 093177912X
Compulsory pregnancy: The war against American Women, John M Swomley, Paperback, Humanist Press

ISBN 0931779138
Catholic schools: The facts, Edd Doerr, Unknown Binding, Humanist Press

ISBN 0939075024
Creation Evolution Satiricon: Creatism Bashed, Robert Dietz, Paperback, Bookmaker Inc

ISBN 1567510892
Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy, Frederick Clarkson, Hardcover, Common Courage Press

 2000 Years of Disbelief

ISBN 1573920673
2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt, James A. Haught, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Great Quotations on Religious Freedom

ISBN 1573929417
Great Quotations on Religious Freedom, Albert J. Menendez & Edd Doerr, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Women Without Superstition

ISBN 1877733091
Women without Supersitition: No Gods - No Masters, Annie Laurie Gaylor, Hardcover, Freedom from Religion Foundation

ISBN 8885035078
Inquisition: a Bilingual Guide to the Exhibition of Torture Instruments From the Middle Ages to the Industrial Era, Robert Held, Paperback, Dorset Press

 Golden Bough

ISBN 0020955707
Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, James George Frazer, Paperback, Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group

ISBN 039462078X
Euthanasia and Religion: A Survey of the Attitudes of World Religions to the Right-To-Die, Gerald A. Larue, Paperback, Grove Pr

ISBN 0486206084
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (Volume One), A D White, Paperback, Dover Publications

ISBN 0486206092
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (Volume Two), A D White, Paperback, Dover Publications

 World Religions in America

ISBN 0664253008
World Religions in America: An Introduction, Jacob Neusner, Textbook Paperback, Westminster John Knox Press

 Why I am Not a Christian

ISBN 0671203231
Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects, Bertrand Russell, Paperback, Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group

ISBN 0802818994
The Wars of America: Christian Views, n/a, Unknown Binding, Eerdmans

ISBN 0804463794
The Philosophy of Humanism (4th ed.), Corliss Lamont, Paperback, Continuum Intl Pub Group (Sd)

 The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read

ISBN 0840389086
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read, Tim C. Leedom, Paperback, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

ISBN 0871238896
The New Atheism and the Erosion of Freedom, Robert A. Morey, Paperback, Bethany House Pub

 Atheism: The Case Against God

ISBN 087975124X
Atheism: The Case against God, George H. Smith, Textbook Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0879751525
The Atheist Debater's Handbook (Skeptics Bookshelf Series), B. C Johnson, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 The Best of Robert Ingersoll

ISBN 0879752092
Best of Robert Ingersoll: Selections from His Writings and Speeches, Roger E. Greeley, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Biblical vs. Secular Ethics 

ISBN 0879754184
Biblical v. Secular Ethics: The Conflict, R. Joseph Hoffman, Gerald A. Larue, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 The Mind of the Bible Believer

ISBN 0879754958
The Mind of the Bible-Believer, Edmund Cohen & Sherwin T. Wine, Paperback, Prometheus Books


ISBN 0879755083
Eupraxophy: Living without Religion, Paul Kurtz, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 The Supernatural, the Occult, and the Bible

ISBN 0879756152
The Supernatural, the Occult, and the Bible, Gerald A. Larue, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0910309027
The Jewish Life of Christ: Being Sepher Toldoth Jeshu, G. W. Foote & J. M. Wheeler (editors), Paperback, American Atheist Press

 The X-rated Bible

ISBN 0910309191
The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverent Survey of Sex in The Scriptures, Ben Edward Akerley, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309213
Martin Luther: Hitler's Spiritual Ancestor, Peter F. Wiener, Hardcover, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309531
Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth, John G. Jackson, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0911826289
American Atheist Heritage, Joseph Lewis & Madalyn M. O'Hair, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0911826815
History's Greatest Liars, Joseph McCabe, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0912166150
Toward common ground: The story of the ethical societies in the United States (Ethical culture publications), Howard B Radest, Unknown Binding, Fieldston Press, Inc

ISBN 0913111244
Ancient Myth and Modern Life, Gerald A. Larue, Paperback, Centerline Press

ISBN 0916354636
Jesus, Son of Man, Rudolf Augstein, Unknown Binding, Urizen Books

ISBN 0931779014
American Democracy and the Vatican: Population Growth and National Security, Stephen D. Mumford, Paperback, Amer Humanist Assn

ISBN 0931779022
The Humanist of The Year Book -- Biographical Sketches of the American Humanist Association's Most Distinguished Awards 1953-1991, Mildred MacCallister & Lloyd Kumley, Paperback, American Humanist Association

ISBN 0931779057
The Genesis Of A Humanist Manifesto, Edwin H Wilson, Paperback, Humanist Press

 Humanism as the Next Step 

ISBN 093177909X
Humanism as the Next Step, Lloyd Morain, Mary Morain & Almira F. Poudrier, Paperback, Humanist Press

 Timely and Timeless

ISBN 0931779103
Timely and Timeless: The wisdom of E. Burdette Backus, Edd Doerr, Mass Market Paperback, Humanist Press

ISBN 093730705X
The Life & Death of Nssm 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U. S. Population Policy, Stephen D. Mumford, Paperback, Center for Research on Population

 The Dark Side of Christian History

ISBN 0964487349
The Dark Side of Christian History, Helen Ellerbe, Paperback, Morningstar & Lark

ISBN 1559211458
Playing God: Fifty Religions' Views On Your Right To Die, Gerald Larue, Moyer Bell Ltd.

 What Johnny Shouldn't Read

ISBN 0300057091
What Johnny Shouldn't Read: Textbook Censorship in America, Joan DelFattore, Hardcover, Yale University Press

ISBN 039474439X
America Revised, Frances Fitzgerald, Paperback, Vintage

 Ancient Days

ISBN 0395540275
Houghton Mifflin Social Studies, Grade 5: Ancient Days, Houghton Mifflin, Paperback, Houghton Mifflin Company

 Across the Centuries

ISBN 0395540283
Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: Across the Centuries, Houghton Mifflin, Paperback, Houghton Mifflin Company

 A More Perfect Union

ISBN 0395540291
A More Perfect Union, Beverly Jeanne Armento, Karen K. Wilson, Gary B. Nash & Christopher L. Salter, Paperback, Houghton Mifflin Company

ISBN 0801107121
History Social Science Framework for California Public Schools Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, n/a, Paperback, California Dept of Education

Educating for Intelligent Belief or Unbelief 

ISBN 0807732710
Educating for Intelligent Belief or Unbelief, Nel Noddings, Textbook Paperback, Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University

Taking Religion Seriously  

ISBN 0871203189
Taking Religion Seriously across the Curriculum, Warren A. Nord & Charles Haynes, Paperback, ASCD

Freethought Across the Centuries 

ISBN 0931779030
Freethought Across the Centuries: Toward a New Age of Enlightenment, Gerald A. Larue, Unknown Binding, Humanist Press

ISBN 0931779049
Freethought Across the Centuries: Toward a New Age of Enlightenment, Gerald A. Larue, Hardcover, Humanist Press

Different Drummers 

ISBN 155212231X
Different Drummers: Nonconforming Thinkers in History, Mynga Futrell & Paul G. Geisert, Other Format, Trafford Publishing

ISBN 0672600048
Common Sense and Other Political Writing, n/a, Paperback, Prentice Hall

ISBN 0672601672
Age of Reason Part 1, n/a, Paperback, MacMillan Pub Co

ISBN 0840791534
20 Things I Want My Kids to Know, Hal Urban, Paperback, Thomas Nelson Inc

ISBN 0853459878
Science and the Retreat from Reason, Manjit Kumar, Paperback, Monthly Review Press

ISBN 0876451113
Forgotten Founders: Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois, and the Rationale for the American Revolution, Bruce E. Johansen, Hardcover, Gambit Inc. Publishers

School Choice 

ISBN 0931050456
School Choice, Ernest L. Boyer, Paperback, Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.

ISBN 0942004507
Religious naturalism: The First Secular, Western Culture Religion in History: An Introduction to a Significantly Modern, New, and Different Religion, Jeffrey Walther, Spiral-bound, G. Throwkoff Press

ISBN 0961328916
Heretic's Handbook of Quotations, Charles Q. Bufe, Paperback, See Sharp Press

Religious Liberty In Crisis, Edd Doerr, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Dear Editor, Edd Doerr, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Who Goes To NonPublic Schools: A Study of U.S. Census Data, Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Relgion in the Public Schools: Guidelines for a Growing and Changing Phenomenon, for K-12 (revised edition), Debbie N. Kaminer, Paperback, Anti-Defamation League

Breaking the Last Taboo (photocopied article from Winter 1996/1997 Free Inquiry, pp. 31-33, eight copies), James A. Haught, Loose Photocopy, Free Inquiry

Promise Keepers Bundle -- Broken Promise? (article, AU Church & State, pp. 9 (105) - 12 (108)), Hans Johnson, Newspaper Article, Church & State

Promise Keepers Bundle -- "Christian Warriors" (newspaper clipping, 1995-05-28 San Francisco Chronicle), Dan Lattin, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle

Promise Keepers Bundle -- "Men's Group Challenges Liberal Society" (newspaper clipping + 3 photocopies, 1994-08-01, San Francisco Chronicle, page A2), San Francisco Chronicle, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle

Promise Keepers Bundle -- "Faces Of Insanity" (copy of newspaper clipping, from Aug 1994 issue of Critical Thinker, of CRT, Portland OR, page 13), Critical Thinker, Photocopy of Newspaper Clipping, Center For Rational Thought (?)

History of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) & Teacher's Manual (Yellow Folder), Brant Abrahamson and Smith Fred, Folder, The Teachers' Press

Finding Common Ground Bundle: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Education, Charles C. Haynes, Paperback, The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center

Finding Common Ground Bundle: Atheist Network Journal, Apr 1995, four pages, Atheist Network, Newsletter, Atheist Network

Finding Common Ground Bundle: photocopy of unknown article by Edd Doerr, which criticizes Finding Common Ground, one page, Edd Doerr, Photocopy, Unknown

Finding Common Ground Bundle: newspaper clipping, "Liberal Believers Mobilize to Fight Religious Right," San Francisco Chronicle, Tue, May 23, 1995, Dan Lattin, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle

Finding Common Ground Bundle: two brochures, "Religious Liberty, Public Education, and the Future of American Democracy: A Statement of Principles," one tri-fold, one stapled in book format, The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center, Brochure, The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center

Amici Curiae (36 orgs. & individuals -- Nos. 95-1858, 96-110, USSC, Oct 96: opposing NY & Washington bans on physician-assisted suicide), Supreme Court of The United States, Paperback, Supreme Court of The United States

Quotations that Support the Separation of State and Church, Ed Buckner & Michael Buckner, Paperback, Atlanta Freethought Society

Public Education and the Public Good, Robert S. Alley, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

The Politics of Religious Conflict: Church and State in America, Richard E. Morgan, Hardcover, Pegasus

No Religious Test: The Story of Our Constitution's Forgotten Article (Monograph Series Number One), Albert J. Menendez, Booklet, Americans for Religious Liberty

Separation of Religion and Government: A Study of Separation in America, Frank Swancara, Hardcover, Truth Seeker Company

Fourteen Leading Cases on Education, Religion, and Financing Schools, Lincoln Research Bureau, Paperback, Lincoln Research Bureau

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- Current Controversies Surrounding Religion and the Schools. Conference 1994-04-22 at San Francisco State University, San Francisco (white binder, about 100 pages), ACLU Foundation of Northern California Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project, Three-ring Binder, ACLU Foundation of Northern California Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- photocopy, "America's Constitutional Heritage: Religion and Our Public Schools: A Video Presentation by the American Civil Liberties Union," ten pages, paperclipped together with March 1994 issue of "Freedom Writer: A Hard Look at the Hard Right"), ACLU Foundation of Northern California Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project, Photocopy, ACLU Foundation of Northern California Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- handout, ACLU-NC Educational Material Listing, ACLU Foundation of Northern California Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project, Handout, ACLU Foundation of Northern California Howard A. Friedman First Amendment Education Project

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- "No Way Out: Young, Pregnant, an Trapped by the Law", ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, Article, ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- brochure, "In 1962, Madalyn Murray O'Hair Kicked God, The Bible, and Prayer Out Of School, and Ten Other Myths about Church and State", Americans United For Separation of Church and State, Brochure, Americans United

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- brochure, "Religious Holidays in the Public Schools: Questions and Answers", Sponsored Jointly by Numerous Organizations, Brochure, Sponsored Jointly by Numerous Organizations

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- brochure, "Religious Expression in Public Schools: Separating Fact From Fiction", Americans United For Separation of Church and State, Brochure, Americans United

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- handout, "About Americans United", Americans United For Separation of Church and State, Brochure, Americans United

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- handout, "School Prayer Fact Sheet", Americans United For Separation of Church and State, Handout, Americans United

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- brochure, "Free Speech Rights in Shopping Centers", ACLU California -- Northern California, Southern California, San Diego and Imperial Counties, Brochure, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- brochure, "How Do I Make My CHOICE?: Questions and Answers about Abortion, Birth Control, Sterilization, and Other Reproductive Rights in California", ACLU of Northern California, Brochure, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- handout, "Passing the Torch of Freedom to the Next Generation", ACLU of Northern California, Handout, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- Ask Sybil Liberty Bundle -- various ACLU articles geared for students, nine pages, ACLU of Northern California, Photocopy, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- newspaper, "We Have Rights Too," geared toward students, eight pages, ACLU of Northern California, Newspaper, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- handout, ACLU Briefer, "Popular Music Under Siege", ACLU of Northern California Arts Censorship Project, ACLU Public Education Department, Handout, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- ACLU Briefing Paper Bundle (#3, "Church and State,"; #6, "'English Only'"; #7, "Reproductive Freedom: The Rights Of Minors"; #9 "A History of the Bill of Rights"; #10 "Freedom of Expression"; #11 "Racial Justice"; #14 "Artistic Freedom"; #16 "Hate Speech"), ACLU of Northern California, Photocopy, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- Ethical Perspectives bundle (first in a series of monographs, 4 pages); Also -- brochure, American Ethical Union Statement of Purpose; Brochure, "A Conceptual Map for Ethical Culture: Towards Philosophical Consensus, A Statement of the National Leaders Council of the American Ethical Union," 23 pages; brochure, "Religious Education with the American Ethical Union; brochures, varied -- "A Quest for Meaning," "About the Society," "The American Ethical Union," "To a Non-Joiner," "Counseling and Ceremonies," and+C112"Far from an Ethical Society? Join as a Member-at-large"; Handout, "Your Washington Ethical Action Office Reports: Legislative Update and Alert, Oct 1994, Number 94-8), American Ethical Union, Photocopy, AEU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- ACLU Briefing Paper Bundle (#3, "Church and State,"; #6, "'English Only'"; #7, "Reproductive Freedom: The Rights Of Minors"; #9 "A History of the Bill of Rights"; #10 "Freedom of Expression"; #11 "Racial Justice"; #14 "Artistic Freedom"; #16 "Hate Speech"), ACLU of Northern California, Photocopy, ACLU

Teaching the First Amendment Binder -- two pages of notes by Jack, attached to photocopied article, "Sikh Sword no more a Weapon than Crucifix," from the Sikh Times International, Feb 1988, by Dr. Spell Man, John; Also -- photocopied article, "The Sikh Kirpan (The Sword)," by Dr. Singh Dilgeer, Harjinder; Also -- photocopied editorial, "When a 'weapon' is a sacred symbol: Sikhs test religious freedom at San Joaquin school," by The Daily Review, page A-14, Feb 16, 1994; Also -- "Chapter 4, "Symbolism and Interpretation of Baptism with the two-edged sword, pages 66-91), ACLU of Northern California, Photocopy, ACLU

Dr. Eric T. Pengelley Memorial Library

ISBN 091030954X
I Bought My First Sixpack When I Was 35, John Bryan, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0911826440
An Open Letter to Jesus Christ, De Robigne Mortimer Bennett, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0914384031
I Started to Be a Minister: From Fundamentalism to a Religion of Ethics, Howard M. Teeple, Hardcover, Religion & Ethics Inst

ISBN 0931779081
Confronting Church and State: Memoirs of an Activist, John M Swomley, Paperback, Humanist Press

 Letters From the Earth

ISBN 0060921056
Letters from the Earth, Bernard A. De Voto, Bernard De Voto & Henry Nash Smith, Paperback, HarperCollins Publishers

Saints and Sinners

ISBN 0300073321
Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes, Eamon Duffy, Hardcover, Yale University Press

 Hitler's Pope

ISBN 0670886939
Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, John Cornwell, Hardcover, Viking Adult

 No Man Knows my History

ISBN 0679730540
No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, Fawn McKay Brodie, Fawn M. Brodie & Peter Dimock, Paperback, Random House Vintage Books, Knopf Publishing Group

 God Wills It!

ISBN 0750925582
God Wills It!: An Illustrated History of the Crusades, Wayne B. Bartlett, Paperback, Sutton Publishing

 Evolution and the Myth of Creationism

ISBN 0804717702
Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate, Tim M. Berra, Textbook Paperback, Stanford University Press

ISBN 0879750790
Classics of Free Thought, Paul Blanshard, Bertrand Arthur Russell & Mark Twain, Paperback, Prometheus Books

Disciples of Destruction

ISBN 0879753498
Disciples of Destruction: The Religious Origins of War and Terrorism, Charles W. Sutherland, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 The Quotable Bertrand Russell

ISBN 0879757280
The Quotable Bertrand Russell, Lee Eisler & Bertrand Russell, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong

ISBN 0879757310
Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong: A Guide for Young Thinkers, Dan Barker & Brian Strassburg, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Atheistic Humanism

ISBN 0879758473
Atheistic Humanism, Antony G. Flew, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 The History of Witchcraft

ISBN 0880291559
The History of Witchcraft, Montague Summers, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 The X-Rated Bible

ISBN 0910309191
The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverent Survey of Sex in The Scriptures, Ben Edward Akerley, Paperback, American Atheist Press

 The Age of Reason

ISBN 0910309701
The Age of Reason: Examination of the Prophecies, Thomas Paine & Frank R. Zindler, Paperback, Amer Atheist Pr

ISBN 0931779138
Catholic schools: The facts, Edd Doerr, Unknown Binding, Humanist Press

 Madalyn Murray O'hair

ISBN 0939040042
Madalyn Murray O'hair: Most Hated Woman in America, Jon Rappoport, Paperback, Truth Seeker Company, Incorporated

 The Dark Side of Christian History

ISBN 0964487349
The Dark Side of Christian History, Helen Ellerbe, Paperback, Morningstar & Lark

 Bible Prophecy

ISBN 0965504700
Bible Prophecy: Failure or Fulfillment?, Tim Callahan, Hardcover, Millennium Press

 The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered

ISBN 156619623X
The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, Robert H. Eisenman & Michael Wise, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

ISBN 1573922730
The Ways Of An Atheist, Bernard Katz, Prometheus Books

 Galactic Rapture

ISBN 1573927546
Galactic Rapture, Tom Flynn, Paperback, Prometheus Books

The Legend of Saint Peter 

ISBN 1578849519
The Legend of Saint Peter, Arthur Drews & Frank R. Zindler, Paperback, Amer Atheist Pr

 Christian Fundamentalism

ISBN 1578849527
Christian Fundamentalism: A Journey into the Heart of Darkness, David W. Hopewell, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0043320996
God's Banker: The Life and Death of Roberto Calvi, Rupert Cornwell, Paperback, HarperCollins Publishers

History of Heresy

ISBN 0192852108
History of Heresy, David Christie-Murray, Textbook Paperback, Oxford University Press

ISBN 0201517582
In Mormon Circles: Gentiles, Jack Mormons, and Latter-Day Saints, James Coates, Hardcover, Perseus Books

ISBN 0312071116
Unholy Trinity: How the Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets, Mark Aarons & John Loftus, Hardcover, St. Martin's Press

 Catechism of the Catholic Church

ISBN 0385479859
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Gift Edition, Doubleday and Company, Paperback, Galilee Trade

ISBN 067084828X
A Gospel of Shame: Children, Sexual Abuse, and the Catholic Church, Elinor Burkett & Frank Bruni, Hardcover, Viking Adult

ISBN 0679420541
Do Children Need Religion?: How Parents Today Are Thinking About the Big Questions, Martha Fay, Hardcover, Pantheon

ISBN 0688093043
Secret Ceremonies: A Mormon Woman's Intimate Diary of Marriage and Beyond, Deborah Laake, Hardcover, William Morrow & Co

 Sworn on the Altar of God

ISBN 0802801560
Sworn of the Altar of God: A Religious Biography of Thomas Jefferson, Edwin S. Gaustad, Paperback, Eerdmans, William B. Publishing Company

 The Illusion of Immortality

ISBN 0804463778
The Illusion of Immortality, Corliss Lamont, Paperback, Continuum Intl Pub Group (Sd)

 Deceptions and Myths of the Bible

ISBN 0806511249
Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, Lloyd M. Graham, Paperback, Carol Publishing Group

 Freedom is as Freedom Dos

ISBN 0826404758
Freedom is as Freedom Does: Civil Liberties in America, Corliss Lamont, Paperback, Continuum Intl Pub Group (Sd)

 Psychic Paradoxes

ISBN 0879753587
Psychic Paradoxes, John Booth & John R. Clarke, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Maybe Yes, Maybe No

ISBN 0879756071
Maybe Yes, Maybe No: A Guide for Young Skeptics, Dan Barker & Brian Strassburg, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Dying to Live

ISBN 0879758708
Dying to Live: Near-Death Experiences, Susan J. Blackmore, Textbook Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Sexual Attitudes

ISBN 0879759496
Sexual Attitudes: Myths and Realities, Vern L. Bullough & Bonnie Bullough, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Arab Historians of the Crusades

ISBN 0880294523
Arab Historians of the Crusades, Francesco Gabrieli, Paperback, Barnes & Noble Books

 In Spanish Prisons

ISBN 0880296836
In Spanish Prisons, Arthur Griffiths, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 History of the Popes

ISBN 0880297468
History of the Popes, Nicholas Cheetham, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

ISBN 0910309256
The Trial of C.B. Reynolds: Robert G. Ingersoll's Address to the Jury, Robert Green Ingersoll, Paperback, Amer Atheist Pr

 Bible Handbook

ISBN 0910309264
The Bible Handbook, G. W. Foote & W.P. Ball, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309329
Essays in Freethinking, Chapman Cohen, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309426
An Atheist Reports from India, Margaret R. Bhatty, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309647
The Peril of Faith, Martin L. Bard, Paperback, G Broukal Press

ISBN 091182653X
Where is hell?: In another world or in this?, Marshall J Gauvin, Unknown Binding, American Atheist Press

 The Jesus Puzzle

ISBN 0968601405
The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ?: Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus, Earl Doherty, Paperback, Canadian Humanist Pubns

The Death of Jesus

ISBN 1566196965
The Death of Jesus, Joel Carmichael & Steve Weston, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 AD 1000

ISBN 1566198321
AD 1000: Living on the Brink of Apocalypse, Richard Erdoes, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 Losing Faith in Faith

ISBN 1877733075
Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist, Dan E. Barker, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

 Who Wrote the New Testament?

ISBN 0060655178
Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth, Burton L. Mack, Hardcover, Harper San Francisco

ISBN 0060674431
What the Bible Really Says, Morton H. Smith & R. Joseph Hoffmann, Paperback, Harper San Francisco

ISBN 0062505858
The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, Hyam Maccoby, Paperback, Harpercollins

ISBN 0062506153
The New Birth of Christianity: Why Religion Persists in a Scientific Age, Richard A. Nenneman, Hardcover, Harpercollins

 Papal Sin

ISBN 0385494106
Papal Sin: Structures Of Deceit, Garry Wills, Hardcover, Doubleday & Company, Inc.

 Godless Constitution

ISBN 039331524X
Godless Constitution: The Case against Religious Correctness, Isaac Kramnick & Isaac Krammick, Paperback, Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.

ISBN 0553274333
In God's Name, David Yallop, Paperback, Bantam

The Devil in the Shape of a Woman

ISBN 0679721843
The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England, Carol F. Karlsen & Marty Asher, Paperback, Knopf Publishing Group

 Writings on Religion

ISBN 0812691121
Writings on Religion, Vol. 2, David Hume & Antony Flew, Paperback, Open Court Publishing Company

 The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read

ISBN 0840389086
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read, Tim C. Leedom, Paperback, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company

 Crusades Through Arab Eyes

ISBN 0863560237
Crusades Through Arab Eyes, Amin Maalouf & J. Rothschild, Paperback, Saqi Books

ISBN 0866630694
Women in the Ancient Near East (Women in History Series), Arthur F. Ide, Hardcover, Ide House Inc

ISBN 0866630961
Special sisters: Woman in the European Middle Ages, Arthur Frederick Ide, Paperback, Ide House

 The Best of Robert Ingersoll

ISBN 0879752092
The Best of Robert Ingersoll: Selections from His Writings and Speeches, Roger E. Greeley, Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0879756276
"Dear Corliss": Letters from Eminent Persons, Corliss Lamont, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Visions of Reality

ISBN 0879758023
Visions of Reality: What Fundamentalist Schools Teach, Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 History of the Warfare of Science with Theology

ISBN 0879758260
History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, Vol. 2, Andrew Dickson D. White, Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Holoy Hatred

ISBN 0879759224
Holy Hatred: Religious Conflicts of the '90s, James A. Haught, Textbook Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy

ISBN 0879759267
Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy, C. Dennis Dennis McKinsey, Textbook Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Chronicles of the Crusades

ISBN 0880290358
Chronicles of the Crusades, Hans Holzer, Jean de Joinville, Geoffroy de Villehardouin & M. R.B. Shaw, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 The History of Islam

ISBN 0880295627
The History of Islam, R. Payne, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 The Great Infidels

ISBN 0910309086
The Great Infidels, Robert Green Ingersoll, Paperback, Amer Atheist Pr

 Christianity Before Christ

ISBN 0910309205
Christianity Before Christ, John G. Jackson, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309434
Unzipped: The Popes Bare All: A Frank Study of Sex and Corruption in the Vatican, Arthur Frederick Ide, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309531
Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth, John G. Jackson, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309663
Atheists: The Last Minority, Madalyn Murray. O'Hair, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 091030968X
Thumbscrew and Rack, George E. MacDonald, Paperback, Amer Atheist Pr

 An Atheist Epic

ISBN 0910309892
An Atheist Epic: The Complete Unexpurgated Story of How Bible and Prayers Were Removed from the Public Schools of the United States, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0911826815
History's Greatest Liars, Joseph McCabe, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 093177912X
Compulsory Pregnancy: The War Against American Women, John M Swomley, Paperback, Humanist Press

ISBN 0937307017
The Pope and the New Apocalypse: The Holy War Against Family Planning, Stephen D. Mumford, Paperback, Center for Research

ISBN 0951879650
Jesus the Pagan Sun God, L M Wright, Paperback, Fairview Books

ISBN 0964599503
All the Obscenities of the Bible, Gene Kasmar, Paperback, Kas-Mark Publishing Company

 Pleasures of the Torture Chamber

ISBN 1566197724
Pleasures of the Torture Chamber, J. Swain, Hardcover, B&N Distribution

 The Case Against Christianity

ISBN 1566390818
The Case Against Christianity, Michael Martin, Paperback, Temple University Press

 Eternal Hostility

ISBN 1567510884
Eternal Hostility, Frederick Clarkson, Paperback, Common Courage Press

 Close Encounters with the Religious Right

ISBN 157392797X
Close Encounters with the Religious Right: Journeys into the Twilight Zone of Religion and Politics, Robert Boston, Textbook Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Missionary Position

ISBN 1859849296
Missionary Position: The Ideology of Mother Teresa, Christopher Hitchens, Hardcover, Verso

 In God We Trust

ISBN 1877733113
In God We Trust: But Which One?, Judith Hayes, Paperback, The Happy Heretic

ISBN 0029249805
Inquisition, Ralph Peters, Hardcover, Free Press

 Putting Away Childish Things

ISBN 006066861X
Putting Away Childish Things, Uta Ranke-Heinemann, HarperCollins Publishers

ISBN 0060675098
Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture, John Shelby Spong, Hardcover, Harpercollins

ISBN 0061314161
The European Witch-Craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and Other Essays, Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, Paperback, Harpercollins College Div

 The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

ISBN 006250925X
The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker, Paperback, HarperCollins Publishers

ISBN 0062509357
The Skeptical Feminist: Discovering the Virgin, Mother, and Crone, Barbara Walker, Paperback, HarperCollins Publishers

 Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven

ISBN 0140165002
Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven: Women, Sexuality, and the Catholic Church, Uta Ranke-Heinemann, Paperback, Penguin Group (USA)

 Science and Creationism

ISBN 0195032527
Science and Creationism, Ashley Montagu & Isaac Asimov, Hardcover, Oxford University Press

 American Holocaust

ISBN 0195075811
American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World, David E. Stannard, Hardcover, Oxford University Press

 Torture: The Grand Conspiracy

ISBN 0297773895
Torture: The Grand Conspiracy, Malise Ruthven, Hardcover, Orion Publishing Group, Limited

ISBN 0304346381
Sex, Priests and Power: Anatomy of a Crisis, A.W. Richard Sipe, Hardcover, Continuum International Publishing

ISBN 0517570270
Vicars Of Christ (The Dark Side Of The Papacy), Peter De Rosa, Random House USA Inc

ISBN 0701131519
The divine supermarket: Travels in search of the soul of America, Malise Ruthven, Unknown Binding, Chatto & Windus

 Medieval Inquisition

ISBN 0841906955
Medieval Inquisition, Bernard Hamilton, Textbook Paperback, Holmes & Meier Publishers Inc

 Atheism: The Case Against God

ISBN 087975124X
Atheism: The Case Against God, George H. Smith, Textbook Paperback, Prometheus Books

 Encyclopedia of Unbelief

ISBN 0879753072
Encyclopedia of Unbelief, Gordon Stein, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

 Deadly Doctrine

ISBN 0879757825
Deadly Doctrine: Health, Illness and God-Talk, Wendell W. Watters & Wendell Watters, Hardcover, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0910309124
Ingersoll the Magnificent, Robert G. Ingersoll & Joseph Lewis, Paperback, Amer Atheist Press

ISBN 0910309698
The Atheist World, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Paperback, Amer Atheist Pr

 Inquisition of the Middle Ages

ISBN 1566192234
Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Henry Charles Lea, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 Jesus the Magician

ISBN 1566192854
Jesus the Magician, Morton Smith, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 The Spanish Inquisition

ISBN 1566194075
The Spanish Inquisition, Jean Plaidy, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

 The Love Affairs of the Vatican

ISBN 1566199360
The Love Affairs of the Vatican, Angelo S. Rappaport, Hardcover, Barnes & Noble Books

ISBN 0195151585
Meditations for the Humanist, AC Grayling, Paperback, Oxford University Press

ISBN (unk)
Religion and Science, Bertrand Russell, 1962

ISBN (unk)
Letters From the Earth, Mark Twain, 1962

ISBN 0879759240
The Christ, John Remsberg, 1994, Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 080185654X
Treatise on the Gods, HL Mencken, 1997, Paperback, John Hopkins University Press

ISBN 0910300971X
Manual of a Perfect Atheist, Rius, 1984

ISBN (unk)
Just Pretend, Dan Barker, 1988

ISBN 0879756578
How Do You Know It's True?, HY Ruchlis, 1995, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0944344763
The World to Come: From Christian Past to Global Future, Lloyd Geering, 1999, Polebridge Press

ISBN 0301940010
Humanist Anthology, Margaret Knight ed., 1995, Rationalist Association Press

ISBN (unk)
Toward the Mystery, William Edelen, 1991

ISBN 0826404774
Yes to Life: Memoirs of Corliss Lamont, Corliss Lamont, 1999, Crossroad/Continuum Pub. Group

ISBN 0195025210
The Puritan Way of Death: a Study in Religion, Culture, and Social Change, David Stannard, 1997, Oxford University Press

ISBN 0195125401
No God but God
: Egypt and the Triumph of Islam, Geneive Abdo, 2000, Oxford University Press

ISBN 0345302494
Not the Bible, Oral McJorrity, 1983, Paperback, Ballantine Books

ISBN 067435510
God Land: Reflections on Religion and Nationalism, Conor Cruise O'Brien, 1988, Paperback, Harvard University Press

ISBN 0880295333
When God Was a Woman, Merlin Stone, 1990, Dorset Press

ISBN 0301860017
Did Jesus Exist?, GA Wells, 1986, Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 093177909X
Humanism as the Next Step, Lloyd and Mary Morain, 1998, Paperback, Humanist Press

ISBN 0879758481
The Trouble With Christmas, Tom Flynn, 1993, Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0301667640
The Humanist Outlook, AJ Ayer ed., 1968, Pemberton

ISBN 0879752564
An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism, Gordon Stein ed., 1980, Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0959336133
Anatomy of Religion, Adrian Crees, 1989, Freshet Press

ISBN 0913111376
The Great Quotations on Religious Freedom, Albert Menendez and Edd Doerr, 1991, Centerline Press

ISBN 094434478X
The Jesus Seminar and its Critics, Robert Miller, 1999, Polebridge Press

ISBN 0880291419
Pagan Christs, JM Robertson, 1993, Hardcover, Barnes Noble

ISBN 1591020247
Extract From Captain Stormfield's Visit To Heaven, Mark Twain, 2002, Paperback, Prometheus Books

ISBN 0962308706
Spirit, William Edelen, 1994, Paperback, Edelen Books

ISBN 0812691873
Belief and Make-Believe, GA Wells, 1991, Cloth, Open Court Books

ISBN (unk)
Morality: Supernatural or Social?, Margaret Knight, 1968, Reprinted from the Humanist Outlook, 0911826459, Bible Absurdities, J Bowden, 1982

ISBN 0910309604
Our Pagan Christmas, RJ Condon, 1989, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN (unk)
The Origins of Religion, Lord Raglan, 1949

ISBN (unk)
20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity, Chaz Bufe, 2000

ISBN (unk)
Judeo-Christian Degradation of Woman, Joseph McCabe, 1998

ISBN (unk)
Does God Exist?, Sebastien Faure, 1999

ISBN (unk)
Ten Non Commandments, Ronald Fletcher, 1964

ISBN (unk)
A Future Worth Living, Chaz Bufe, 2000

ISBN 09103090000
Archaeology and the Bible, John Bowden, 1982

ISBN 0910309183
The Case Against Religion: A Psychotherapists View, Albert Ellis
, Paperback, American Atheist Press

ISBN 042517347X
The Legend of Pope Joan, Peter Stanford, Berkley Trade, 2000   

ISBN 0861404033
The Cosmic Fairy: The New Challenge of A Darwinian Approach to Humanism, Arthur Atkinson, Colin Smythe Ltd, 1996     

ISBN 0679435972
The Battle For God, Karen Armstrong, Knopf, 2000        

ISBN 1877733024
Woe to the Women -- The Bible Tells Me So, Annie Laurie Gaylor, Freedom From Religion Foundation, 1998        

ISBN 1877733091
Women Without Superstition: "No Gods--No Masters", Annie Laurie Gaylor, Freedom From Religion Foundation, 1997       

ISBN 0881000604
God Is A Verb, Clarence L Martin & Wayne R Bartz, self-published, 1989

Fighting Back! A Manual for Freethinkers, Tim Madigan and Tom Flynn, 1993       

ISBN 0195078829
Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition, Stuart A Vyse, Oxford University Press, 1997

ISBN 0877229430
Atheism: A Philosophical Justification, Michael Martin, Temple University Press, 1990      

ISBN 0879752106
The Atheist Debater's Handbook, B.C. Johnson, Prometheus Books, 1983           

ISBN 1573920673
2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt, James A Haught, Prometheus Books, 1996    

ISBN 0671203231
Why I Am Not a Christian, And Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects, Bertrand Russell, Touchstone, 1957

ISBN 0922233179
Ken's Guide to the Bible, Ken Smith, Blast Books, 1995  

ISBN 0706231465
Humanism (Living Religions), Barbara Smoker, Ward Lock Educational Co Ltd, 1984        

ISBN 0879759615
Entities: Angels, Spirits, Demons, and Other Alien Beings, Joe Nickell, Prometheus Books, 1995  

Science Ponders Religion, Harlow Shapley, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1960

ISBN 0879753072
A Second Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism, Gordon Stein, Prometheus Books, 1987

ISBN 1566199816
Ancient Greek & Roman Religion, H J Rose, Barnes & Noble, 1995

ISBN 0943099153
The Complete Secularist, Thomas S Vernon, M&M Press, 1994

ISBN 1877733113
In God We Trust: But Which One?, Judith Hayes, Freedom from Religion Foundation, 1996

ISBN 0910309248
All the Questions You Ever Wanted to Ask American Atheists, With All the Answers, Jon Murray and Madelyn O'Hair, American Atheist Press, 1989

ISBN 0910309086
The Great Infidels: Robert Ingersoll, Jon Murray, American Atheist Press, 1990

ISBN 0910309418
Our Constitution: The Way It Was, Madelyn O'Hair, American Atheist Press, 1988

ISBN 0910309566
A Christmas Sermon, And the Controversy It Aroused, Robert Ingersoll, American Atheist Press, 1988

ISBN 0195082281
Selling God: American Religion in the Marketplace of Culture, R Laurance Moore, Oxford University Press, 1994

Common Sense II, Peoples Bicentennial Commission, Paperback, Unknown

Displaying the Decalogue, A.J. Mattill, Jr., Paperback, Flatwoods Free Press

Thomas Paine Bundle – Handbill, The Venture Theatre Presents The Writings Of Thomas Paine, Irving Israel, Handbill, The Venture Theatre, San Francisco, CA

Children of God, Vardis Fisher, Hardcover, Opal Laurel Holmes Publisher

Thomas Paine Bundle -- Newspaper Clipping, "Tom Paine: Living for the Revolution" (Book Review for "Tom Paine: A Political Life, By John Keane"), one page, one-sided, Kate Eaton Regan, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle

Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, James George Frazer, Hardcover, The MacMillan Company

Religious Political Parties, John M. Swomley, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Thomas Paine Bundle – Photocopy, Letters Concerning The Age Of Reason (photocopy of pp. 297-307, concerning an exchange of letters between Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams), six pages, one-sided, Thomas Paine, Newspaper Clipping, Unknown

The Born Again Skeptic's Guide To The Bible, Ruth Hurmence Green, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

The Book of Ruth, Ruth Hurmance Green, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

Betrayal Of Trust: Clergy Abuse Of Children, Annie Laurie Gaylor, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

The Philosophy of Humanism, Corliss Lamont, Hardcover, The Wisdom Library, A Division of Philosophical Library

Holy Horrors: An Illustrated History of Religious Murder and Madness, James A. Haught, Paperback, Prometheus Books

What Must We Do To Be Saved?: A Study of Christian Religion, its Creeds, and its Sacred Book, Robert G. Ingersoll, Paperback, Haldeman-Julius Publications

The Black International No. 16 -- The Holy Faith of the Romanists, Joseph McCabe, Paperback, Haldeman-Julius Publications

The Black International No. 17 -- How the Faith is Protected, Joseph McCabe, Paperback, Haldeman-Julius Publications

The Black International No. 12 -- The Tyranny of the Clerical Gestapo, Joseph McCabe, Paperback, Haldeman-Julius Publications

The Black International No. 13 -- Rome Puts a Blight On Culture, Joseph McCabe, Paperback, Haldeman-Julius Publications

The First Book Of Atheist Humor, Joe Kirby, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

Crime and Immorality in the Catholic Church, Emmett McLoughlin, Hardcover, Lyle Stuart, New York, NY

Why I Am Not a Mormon: Fallacies of the Mormon Faith, John Johnson, Pamphlet, See Sharp Press

America's Taliban - In It's Own Words, David W. Irish, Pamphlet, See Sharp Press

FFRF Non-Tracts, Assorted, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Tract, Freedom from Religion Foundation

The Seven Mighty Blows To Traditional Beliefs, A.J. Mattill, Jr., Paperback, Flatwoods Free Press

The Vatican's Holocaust: The Sensationalist Account of the Most Horrifying Massacre of the 20th Century, Avro Manhattan, Paperback, Ozark Books

The Dollar and the Vatican, Avro Manhattan, Paperback, Ozark Books

Murder In The Vatican, Avro Manhattan, Paperback, Ozark Books

Three Voices of Extremism: Charles Colson, James Dobson, D. James Kennedy, Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Spoiled Priest: The Autobiography of an Ex-Priest, Gabriel Longo, Hardcover, University Books, Inc.

Christianity, a Continuing Calamity, Clay Fulks, Paperback, Haldeman-Julius Publications

The Vatican Against Europe, Edmond Paris, Paperback, The Wickliffe Press

The Crimes of Jehovah, Ph.D. Mark Mirabello, Paperback, See Sharp Press

Women and Atheism: The Ultimate Liberation, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Paperback, American Atheist Press

Thomas Paine Bundle -- Photocopy of Article -- "Le Pont de M. Paine" (March-April issue of NLTR), one sheet, two-sided, Stanley Warren, Loose Photocopy, Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, Guenter Lewy, Hardcover, Lowe & Brydone (Printers) Ltd.

Sweet Jesus - Straight-shooting Scriptural Studies Scrutinizing the Savior, A.J. Mattill, Jr., Spiral-bound, Flatwoods Free Press

Honest To God, John A.T. Robinson, Hardcover, SCM Press Ltd.

Creation/Evolution, Issue 39, n/a, Periodical, NCSE

Journal of the North American Committee For Humanism, Humanism Today, Volume 7, 1992, Natilie Koretz, Editor, Periodical, North American Committee For Humanism

An Atheist Manifesto (4th edition), Joseph Lewis, Paperback, The Freethought Press Association

America's Greatest Infidel -- The complete 21 volume Dresden Edition of The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll. Plus 5 additional rare Ingersoll books: 1) Ingersoll, A Biographical Appreciation; 2) An Intimate View of Robert G. Ingersoll; 3) Ingersoll As He Is; 4) The Philosophy of Ingersoll; 5) Prose-Poems and Selections, Robert G. Ingersoll, CD, Bank Of Wisdom

Great Americans Examine Religion -- Brief Biographies; Quotable Quotations; Communist, Fascist, Racist Un-Americans Exposed; Freethinkers Credo; Ralph De Sola, Paperback, Better Books

Heroes of Civilization, Bolder Landry, Paperback, Anchor Printing Corporation

Holy Bible -- Red Letter Edition, Concordance, New Schofield Reference Edition, C.I. Schofield, Hardcover, Oxford University Press

Our Rationalist Heritage, Walter Hoops, Paperback, Unknown

The Logic And Virtue of Atheism (originally published under two titles: "Does Atheism Rest Its Case On Logic?" and "Would a Godless World Make for Social Progress Or Decline?"), Joseph McCabe, Paperback, American Atheist Press

Thumbscrew and Rack, Torture Implements Employed In the XVth an XVIth Centuries, Geo. B. Macdonald, Paperback, The Truth Seeker Company

Field Manual Of the Free Militia, Skipp Porteous, Editor, Paperback, Riverwalk Press

Just Pretend - A Freethought Book For Children, Dan Barker, Paperback, Freedom from Religion Foundation

The Story of Religious Controversy, Joseph McCabe, Loose Photocopy, The Stratford Company

Religious Jokes, Vol. 1, Mr. & Mrs. O. Grey Ham, Paperback, Unknown

The Case Against School Vouchers, Edd Doerr, Albert J. Menendez & John Swomley, Paperback, Americans For Religious Liberty

The Freethinkers' Pictorial Text Book, Emmett F. Fields, Paperback, Bank of Wisdom

The Vatican's Holocaust, Avro Manhattan, Paperback, Ozark Books

Citizen Tom Paine, Howard Fast, Paperback, Unknown

Without Justice For All: A Report on the Christian Right in Sacramento and Beyond (revised edition), Tracey Jeffreys-Renault, and Jerry Sloan, Spiral-bound, Planned Parenthood of Sacramento Valley

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- Will the real Jefferson stand up?, Daniel Lazare, Newspaper Article, In These Times

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- How the Declaration of Independence Became Gospel (newspaper clipping, Book review of "Making The Declaration of Independence" by Alfred A. Knopf), Pauline Maier, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- DNA evidence of Jefferson Affair (newspaper clipping), Dinitia Smith and Nicholas Wade, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- Sins of the Founding Fathers (newspaper clipping), Robert Scheer, Newspaper Clipping, San Francisco Examiner

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- Renaissance Loser (newspaper clipping; book review of two books, "American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson," by Ellis, Joseph; and "The Long Affair: Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution, 1785-1800," by Cruise O'Brien, Conner; three pages), Benjamin Schwarz, Newspaper Clipping, The Nation

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- letter from Florentine Films, regarding request for Thomas Jefferson documentary script, Susan Butler (Assistant to Ken Burns), Letter, Florentine Films

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- letter to Florentine Films, subject: "Urgent request for transcript of dialog in "Thomas Jefferson" documentary film, from Jack Massen; attached are newspaper clippings from 1997-02-18 San Francisco Chronicle article entitled, "Ken Burn Takes On Jefferson: Filmmaker digs deeper into American pageant," by Carman, John, at the Television desk; also includes a sheet of handwritten notes on contact info for Florentine Films), Jack Massen, Letter

Thomas Jefferson & Declaration of Independence manila folder -- Thomas Jefferson documentary script, Draft #10.1, July 4, 1996, 50 pages, clipped together, Ken Burns, Folder, Florentine Films

Challenging the Religious Right: The Activists Handbook, Frederick Clarkson & Skipp Porteous, Spiral-bound, Ms. Foundation For Women

Myths About Public School Prayer, John M. Swomley, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Abortion and Public Policy (Americans For Religious Liberty Monograph No. 4), John M. Swomley, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Religious Political Parties: With a World Survey of Religious Political Parties (Americans For Religious Liberty Monograph No. 3), John M. Swomley & Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

The Case Against Charitable Choice: Why President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative is Bad Public Policy, Albert J. Menendez & Edd Doerr, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Home Schooling: The Facts, Albert J. Menendez, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

Catholic Schools: The Facts, Edd Doerr, Paperback, Americans for Religious Liberty

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