Belly of the Beast
Bad examples are good for you. If crank religion is your ambrosia, if you love swimming in those heady fanatical waters, here are places to look. Just a few, because honestly, a little goes a long way.
- Jack Chick - The one, the only, source of those strange disturbing tracts.
- "God Hates Fags" needs no introduction.
- The Agressive Christianity Missionary Training Corps, aka Free Love Ministries, feisty for the Lord.
- Heaven's Gate - Not the movie, the cult. The Hale-Bopp Comet people. Still online after all the suicides.
- Prophecies From the Mountain - This will make you dizzy. (Make us dizzy.)
- Outer Secrets - Hmmmm. Ooo-kay.
- Anglo-Israelism - Those Ten Lost Tribes, ever wonder where they got off to?
- Virtual Hell - VHell is offline, but tour this old version coutesy of the Internet Archive.
- Geocentricity - Earth really is the center. The Center! Devil take all those astronomers anyway.
- Flat Earth Society - Moreover, it's flat.
What, more? Visit for a huge list. Or visit the Gallery of the Gods, Donna Kossy's freeze-dried archive of religious kooks.
"Cranks live by theory, not by pure desire.
They want votes, peace, nuts, liberty, and spinning-looms
not because they love these things,
as a child loves jam,
but because they think they ought to have them.
That is one element which makes the crank."
Rose Macaulay